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% Value of Stock Over 90 Days


% Value of Stock Over 90 Days



Value of Stock Over 90 days ÷ Stock Value (x100)



Benchmark: <10% of Stock Value



This KPI takes the total value of your used vehicle stock, and then states the collective value of the vehicles that are over 90 days old as a percentage of the total value.


If you have R250.000 invested in used vehicles, how much of this money is invested in vehicles that have been in stock for more than 90 days?

A) Value of Stock Over 90 Days = R17,500
B) Value of Total Used Stock = R250,500
C) % of Funds Over 90 days = 7% (A ÷ B X 100)


The example above illustrates that 7% of the money that is invested in used vehicle stock is currently invested in used vehicles that have been in stock for more than 90 days. What the KPI does not tell you is how much longer than 90 days has the investment been there.

This is a very useful trend to assess because it measures the ability to manage the money that is invested in used vehicle stock as opposed to the units themselves.

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